"We were meant to live as one in the body of Christ, so don't isolate yourself. Our joy is multiplied when we rejoice in community!" - Ruth Chou Simons
"If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." 1 Corinthians 12:26
Join an existing Life Group or begin one yourself - either way, it is good to do life together!
If you are interested in attending, leading, or hosting a Life Group, please contact Mark Thurston thurston0612@gmail.com
Endurance Church LifeGroups
Pastor Anthony Bass:
This Life Group takes place every Wednesday evening – online – beginning at 6:30 p.m.
For those interested in participating, please give Pastor Bass your contact information
(abass@endurancechurch.tv) and he will send you a link to the meeting. This can be done either by
email or text.
o The Bass small group focuses on Spiritual formation by first updating how our week has been
going practically then spiritually, then by inductively answering one question that causes the
participants to introspectively apply biblical truths and practice to their own lives. This small
group is an avenue where members can connect, grow, and receive care. The vision of the
small group is to develop disciples for Jesus. (Matthew 28:19–20; Acts 1:8)
Mark and Sherrill Thurston:
This Life Group takes place every Thursday evening from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
We meet at Dave & Marilee's home.
Contact information for questions about this Life Group:
o Mark Thurston 612-232-7895 thurston0612@gmail.com
o Sherrill Thurston sherrillthurston7@gmail.com
o This Life Group has broken down scripture passages by using a DMM (Discipleship Making
Method) system that makes the Bible very easy to talk about and brings it to life by learning
how to apply truth to our own lives. We have studied a book called “Sent” – which is all about
how we can live a sent life in the world we are in. Currently we are taking a look at the sermon
message from the previous Sunday and having great discussion together. Together we are
challenging one another to live as Christ has asked us to live – making Disciples.