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     One of the ways God wants us to build our relationship with Him is through the vehicle of prayer.  Other than worship, there is no stronger way than prayer to develop intimacy with an almighty God who cares about everything going on in your life.  Prayer is also vital to how we live and relate to each other and it was so important to the Lord that He made it a daily practice.  We believe that there is power in prayer, and we know that it gives us an opportunity to invite a supernatural God into situations and circumstances that we don't quite know how to handle on our own.


     Endurance Church has a Prayer ministry that continually prays for our Endurance Family, our Pastors, guests, and city where our campus is based, our nation and people in countries around the world! We've seen God heal, provide protection, bring peace, restore lives, set people free, bring families back together, and open doors to amazing opportunities, favor, and blessings. 


     If you have something that's worrying you or something that concerns you, click the Need Prayer Button and our Prayer Team will agree with God's Word and pray for you!

Also, if you've experienced the goodness of God and seen a prayer answered, please let us know by completing a Praise Report. Click the Need Prayer Button. It's a great way to Thank God and encourage someone else!


If you would like us to pray for you, simply click on Need Prayer below:


Pray for me/Praise report

Thanks for submitting!

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